Invoke Designated as a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Security

January 24, 2023
Lynda Le

Invoke, an award-winning Microsoft partner, has earned the designation Solutions Partner based on achieving a partner capability score that is measured by performance, skilling, and customer success.

As a Solutions Partner for Security, Invoke has demonstrated its broad capabilities to help customers safeguard their entire organization with integrated security, compliance, and identity solutions.

We are honored to receive the designation of Solutions Partner for Security from Microsoft. At Invoke, we are dedicated to helping our customers protect their organizations from the evolving threat landscape and ensure compliance through integrated security and identity solutions. As a top 10 Microsoft Security Partner in the United States, we have established ourselves as a leader in this important area and are committed to delivering the highest level of service to our customers,” said Stephen Leuthold, Director of Modern Work and Security at Invoke.

In the era of cloud transformation, organizations face an increasingly complex environment and need the right strategy to safeguard their infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). Protect your organization from threats across devices, identities, apps, e-mail, data, and Cloud workloads. As a Solutions Partner for Security, Invoke has both the commitment to training and accreditation, and has delivered solutions that lead to customer success.

Learn how you can protect your organization from threats across devices, identities, apps, e-mail, data, and Cloud workloads.

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