Application Modernization & Innovation

Experience real business value when business applications are modernized to start utilizing the power in the cloud.

Modernization and Innovation Services

Use our application modernization assessments and workshops to identify the potential of application modernization and determine the roadmap for your application modernization efforts to confidently accomplish your IT transformation.

Application Modernization Framework Asessment

This assessment provides organizations an Application Modernization Blueprint that details a systematic approach for optimizing IT digital transformation efforts and delivery timelines.

Fast-tracks the design of a comprehensive Cloud adoption and governance strategy and provides a path to confidently deploy and manage app modernizations & workload optimizations.

Enables continuous & accelerated application modernization efforts to meet constantly evolving demands for Digital Transformation of IT assets​.

Empowers IT teams to efficiently support Digital  Transformation initiatives using governance frameworks, Cloud automation tools, cost optimization strategies, and  rationalization approaches for applications & workloads.

Promotes a persistent readiness state that provides organizations the ability to operate confidently in the Cloud as app modernization efforts mature and accelerate  over time.

schedule an assessment

Application Migration and Modernization

This assessment provides organizations with an identification, analysis, and assessment report of one or more applications that demonstrate innovation value and promote an optimized approach for continued application migration & modernization efforts.​

Accounting of an organization’s current IT application landscape​.

Review of organizational business drivers and operational constraints to clarify desired outcomes​.

Discovery, assessment, and rationalization of potential application & work process migration candidates using defined ROI and success metrics​.

Evaluation of potential influences on migration processes and procedures (organizational roles, governance, security/compliance requirements,  data protection, etc.)​

Defined “action plan” describing required effort and estimation timelines for accomplishing a phase-based application migration & modernization approach​.


Building Modern Cloud Applications

This hands-on multi-day workshop involves design sessions and hands-on exercises to deploy an end-to-end e-commerce solution  using various Azure services that implements appropriate PCI compliance and  security measures for both on-premises and public access scenarios.​

Learn how to use Azure PaaS services to provide secure communications for public-facing and back-end websites​

Learn how to design fault-tolerant applications using regional failover capabilities of Azure​.

Better understanding of how to modernize legacy web apps by taking advantage of various Azure services​.

Learn how to enhance solution functionality by following PCI compliance and security best practices​.

Learn how to enable and configure and monitor application telemetry​.

Learn how to add notification and alerting functionality to applications​.

Learn how to design and implement automated deployments​.


Azure Strategy and Planning Workshop

Customer Success Stories

Invoke’s mission is to become your trusted advisor, reduce operational overhead, deliver long term business value, and ensure that your objectives are our own.

Next Steps

Talk to us about how we can simplify your cloud migration and modernization journey.
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